
Information for students and members of the public on the University's complaint handling procedure.

For students

The University of Edinburgh is committed to enhancing the experience of our students.

We aim to ensure that our teaching, support services and student union activities provide positive experiences and opportunities for our students.

If we are to achieve that aim, it is important that we know what is and is not working. We endeavour to listen to concerns and to ensure they are dealt with appropriately.

For members of the public

The University of Edinburgh values feedback from individuals on their interactions with, and observations of, the institution. Comments on University activities/decisions are welcome and where clarification or requests for decisions to be explained more fully are sought these are responded to swiftly at source.


In recognition that, on occasion, there will be legitimate complaints which individuals wish to raise, the University is committed to maintaining an effective complaint procedure. The University recognises that lessons can be learnt from complaints, enabling it to improve the quality and effectiveness of its services.

Complaints will be recorded, along with any action taken in regard to the specific complaint or more generally to avoid recurrence of the difficulty. From time to time, anonymous summary management reports of complaints will be reviewed.