University TV licence

The University holds a TV licence which covers all University work premises for any equipment that can receive a TV signal. The licence does not cover accommodation buildings.

A separate licence is needed by anyone who has any TV signal receiving equipment in their rented rooms.

Unwanted reminders and demands

The TV Licensing Board will match the address to the University licence number and this should prevent reminders or demands for a new licence being sent to the individual departments.

If you do receive a TV licence reminder, please check the attached PDF document below, which gives details of addresses which are currently linked to the main licence number.  If your address is outwith the Edinburgh postal town area, or if it is classed as 'not listed' on the spreadsheet, then you will need to buy your own licence.  If your address is already linked, you should not need to renew an old licence.  If you are in doubt, please phone the TV Licensing Board on the number on the reminder notice and ask them to check for you.

The licence reference number is 3658280810.


Contact details for the University licence

If a department purchases equipment that can receive a TV signal for use in University work premises, they will probably be asked for contact details by the retailer which are then passed on to the TV Licensing Board in Bristol.

Instead of giving their name and department address, the following details should be supplied:

The University of Edinburgh

Old College

South Bridge




If you have any queries, please contact:


Carol Powers

Management Support Officer

  • University of Edinburgh
  • USG Business Unit

Contact details