Chris Cox

Chris is Vice-Principal Philanthropy and Advancement and Executive Director of Development & Alumni.

A headshot of Chris Cox

Chris has responsibility for strategic philanthropic partnerships and alumni engagement. He was previously Director of Development at The University of Manchester for 10 years, following earlier roles at UCL and Newcastle University. 

He has been active with the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), as a previous European representative on their US-based Commission on Alumni Relations, and as a former Chair of CASE’s European Conference in 2016 and 2017. He is on the Faculty for CASE’s global academy, and recently co-chaired the CASE Atlas advisory board - a global initiative to ensure consistent international reporting of philanthropic income to universities. 

Chris was Chair of the Ross Group of UK Higher Education Development Directors in 2011 and 2012 and was a member of the Education Task Force for the UK Government’s Giving Summit in 2012. He is currently leading the external engagement strand for the University’s curriculum transformation programme, and is closely involved with the University’s review of its history and race. 

He was Board member at the Royal Northern College of Music between 2013 and 2022 and received an Honorary Fellowship at the RNCM in 2023. He holds a BA in History from UCL and an MA in International Political Economy from Newcastle University.

Chris Cox

Vice Principal Philanthropy and Advancement

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Annie Ford

PA to the Vice-Principal Philanthropy and Advancement

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