
The University’s Corporate Parenting Strategy 2022-2027.

A group of laughing students in front of a bookcase

The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, (“the Act”) came into effect on the 1st of April 2015. Part 9 of the 2014 Act names 24 public bodies and groups of bodies, including universities, as corporate parents. Under the Act, the University, as a designated corporate parent, has certain duties to deliver with regard to care experienced people and a responsibility to promote the wellbeing of care experienced people.

The University of Edinburgh produced its first Corporate Parenting Strategy in 2015, and since then has produced a number of reports in line with Scottish Government requirements on progress with implementation of its plan and its associated duties.

The University has been developing its most recent Corporate Parenting Strategy 2022- 2027 in partnership with students since August 2021, and this is published below.


Previous strategies
