Department list


Communications and Marketing (CAM) promotes understanding of, and support for, the University and its work, and facilitates effective communications within the University.

The role of Development and Alumni is to work with the academic community to engage alumni, friends, companies and trusts in the life of the University.

Edinburgh Global works closely with the Vice-Principal International to provide leadership and support to advance the University's global engagement.

The General Council consists of graduates, academic staff and University Court members.

The prime function of Internal Audit is to provide the Governing Body (Court), the designated officer (The Principal) and other senior management of the University with an objective assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of Management's internal control systems.

Legal Services provide legal advice to Schools, Colleges, Support Groups and Services across the University in support of the University's strategic and operational goals.

Information Compliance Services supports the University's compliance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 and the right of subject access requirements under data protection legislation.

Governance and Strategic Planning is responsible for corporate governance including Court and its committees, strategic planning and business intelligence.

Student Recruitment and Admissions (SRA) provides a range of information to prospective students attending schools and colleges in the UK and to their parents, advisers or teachers.

The University Secretary's Group (USG) Business Unit provides a wide range of services to the Professional Services Group.

Overview of departments led by the Deputy Secretary, Students