Catherine Bovill

Catherine is Co-Director of the Institute for Academic Development (IAD) and Professor of Student Engagement in Higher Education.

Cathy moved to the University of Edinburgh in 2017 after working for ten years at the University of Glasgow. With a background in health promotion and a PhD in international development, she has been an academic developer for 18 years supporting university staff with teaching responsibilities to enhance their teaching practice. 

Cathy is a National Teaching Fellow, Fulbright Scholar (2019-20), Visiting Professor at the University of Bergen in Norway, Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and Fellow of the Staff and Educational Development Association. 

She is considered a world leader in co-created curriculum, student-staff partnership in learning and teaching, and student engagement having published over 60 articles and books and given over 90 keynote presentations and masterclasses in 15 countries.

Catherine Bovill

Co-Director, Institute for Academic Development (IAD) and Professor of Student Engagement in Higher Education

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